Allah taught Isa the holy Kitabs. And sincere and obedient Muslims read and understand all the Kitabs.
3:48 And He (Allâh) will teach him the Scripture and wisdom, and the Taurat and the Injil (Gospel).
Allah also instructed Muhammad, peace be on him, that if he had a question about any message from heaven, that he should look for the answer among those who read the “Before” Kitabs. Sura Yunnus 10:94 says:
“And if thou (Muhammad) art in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto thee, then question those who read the Scripture (that was) before thee. Verily the Truth from thy Lord hath come unto thee. So be not thou of the waverers.”
I have found the Book of Wisdom (Mesal), the Taurat, and Injil Kitabs. These Kitabs have been translated directly from the original languages and are trustworthy. A friend of mine said that reading the “Before” Kitabs makes him feel like a complete Muslim. A cow with only one leg cannot stand, but when he stands on all four legs, he is strong.
A sincere Muslim reads all the Kitabs.
Sura 4:136 O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His messenger and the Scripture which He hath revealed unto His messenger, and the Scripture which He revealed aforetime. Whoso disbelieveth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers and the Last Day, he verily hath wandered far astray.
Have the “Before” Kitabs been changed? The Quran says, “No!” Is Allah not powerful enough to protect His message?
Read in the Quran Sura Al-An’am 6:115-116:
Those unto whom We gave the Scripture (aforetime) know that it is revealed from thy Lord in truth. So be not thou (O Muhammad) of the waverers. Perfected is the Word of the Lord in truth and justice. There is no one that can change His words. He is the Hearer, the Knower.
The next time someone tells you that the kitabs have been changed, ask them,
“Do you have proof that the kitabs have been changed?”
Their answer is always the same,
“No, I do not have proof, I only heard that they have been changed.”
This argument would not stand up in any court room.
The thing is … if the new Testament was the original word to god why would god contradict his own statement in the following scripture?