How to follow Isa to heaven
Allah loves us and wants us to join Him in heaven when we die. But to go to heaven, our sins must be totally removed from us. To fix this problem, Allah developed a way that we could be forgiven and the shame of sin removed from us. Starting with Adam, man could be forgiven of his sins if he followed the sacrifice system called korban (sacrifice).
The korban is a picture of the punishment that we deserve for our sins. Think of a court room where you stand before the judge. The judge is fair and just. Because of your sin, the judge sentences you to be killed. Even though you are guilty, Allah allows another person, one who is innocent, to receive your punishment. For Allah to throw away your punishment would mean that he is not a just judge. Every crime must be paid for, this is justice. You deserve to die for your guilt of sin.
Think about the practice of korban. First, we are to find a pure animal. Then, before the sacrifice, we are to pray to Allah saying, “Allah, I am guilty of committing sin against you. I deserve to have my blood poured out of me until I die. So Allah, please have mercy on me and instead of taking my blood, take the blood of this innocent animal.”
From the time of Adam until the time of Isa, korban was practiced. Allah did not always require the blood of animals to be used for the korban. Ibrahim was told to do the korban with his promised son. At the last moment, Allah stopped Ibrahim from sacrificing his son. Allah was only testing Ibrahim’s love and devotion to Him.
Completed Muslims have the clearest understanding of korban because they have read all four kitabs. They know that the Muslim followers of Isa stopped practicing the korban. Why? Completed Muslims know that the korban was only a shadow of the ultimate korban that Allah would do for all the people of the world: past, present, and future. For Allah to make a korban for all of mankind shows us how much He loves us and gives us confidence that we can be totally cleared of the curse of sin.
What did Allah use as a Korban for all people?
The Quran says that the birth of Isa would be a sign for the world. In order for Allah to do korban for all mankind, he needed the most pure, holy, and powerful sacrifice available. We have seen from the Quran that the purest, holiest, and most powerful blood in the world was that of Isa. Allah performed Korbani using the blood of innocent Isa. What Allah did not allow Ibrahim to do to his promised son, Allah did with ‘Isa. This was an act of love unlike any act we have every seen, the innocent giving his blood for the guilty. Isa took the punishment that we deserve. Now you know why Pakka Muslims are such grateful people. They understand that Allah did not give us what we deserve. The Injil says in Yuhonna 15:13:
“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”
Today, you can become a Completed Muslim. All you have to do is to understand that Allah did korban for you and He used the blood of Isa instead of your blood.
Stop now, hold your hands up before you, and humbly tell Allah that you receive His great korban and thank Him for placing the punishment of your guilt upon Isa.
In this way, Allah will forgive you of your sins and remove the curse of sin. When you are cleansed of your sins, then you can go to be with Allah after you die. You can now live your life in peace knowing that after death, you can go directly to be with Allah.
hello says
And seek Allahs forgiveness. Certainly, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
(Surat al-Muzzammil 73:20)
And whoever does a wrong or wrongs himself, but then seeks forgiveness from Allah, he will find Allah forgiving and merciful. (Surat an-Nisaa 4:110)