How long have you been reading the Quran and yet you have never understood Sura Al-Imran 3:42-55? Satan does not mind if you can read the Quran, but he does have a great concern if you understand the Quran. Allah will not allow Satan to win. He has a plan to give truth to all the people in the world.
3:54 And they (disbelievers) schemed (to kill ‘Isa) and Allâh schemed too: and Allâh is the best of the schemers.
There were two plans for the death of Isa. The extremist Jews had a plan to kill Isa and Allah had a plan for the death of Isa. Does the Quran ever say that ‘Isa did not die? No. Sura The Women 4:157 says that the Jews said that they did not kill or crucify him. Note that the ayat does not say “‘Isa did not die.” Also note that the Jews were not allowed to put anyone to death, only the Romans could do this. If you think that the Quran says that Isa did not die, read the next ayat.
3:55 And (remember) when Allâh said: “O Isa (Jesus)! I will take you and raise you to Myself and clear you of those who disbelieve, and I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve till the Day of Resurrection. Then you will return to Me and I will judge between you in the matters in which you used to dispute.”
Ask your Imam to read in Arabic ayat 55. Listen carefully as he reads. You will hear him say the Arabic word, “mutawaffika”. The root of this word is “tawaffa”. This word means “to die” or “to cause one to die”. The word, “tawaffa” is used 26 times in the Quran. 24 times it is translated, “to die” or “to cause to die”. Twice it is translated, “to sleep.” Never is it translated, “to take.” Translators must be careful to accurately translate the Quran into other languages.
Therefore, ayat 55 must be correctly translated to say,
“And when Allah said: ‘O ‘Isa! I will cause you to die and then raise you to Myself…”
We also read in Sura Maryam 19:33:
Isa says about himself, “Blessed was the day I was born, blessed was the day I died, and blessed was the day I was resurrected.”
Resurrected means, “raised from the dead.” This was Allah’s perfect plan. But why would Allah have Isa killed? I will answer this later.
Ayat 55 proclaims that Isa was raised up to Allah himself. Remember that Allah is 100% holy. If someone is brought directly to Allah, they too must be 100% holy as well. No evil or sinful person can come into the presence of Allah.
The summary of ‘Isa’s life is as follows:
- Born without inheriting Adam’s evil nature
- Lived a holy and sinless life
- Allah gave him power over life and death
- Isa traveled the straight path (Tarika) to Allah
- Isa is now with Allah
This is the truth that comes directly to us from the Quran. And true Muslims understand this truth.
ashwin says
you guys r really doing a great job.
Dhaq says
Sura 19 v 33 is the day I die not died sorry
Dhaq says
Jesus was in a high state if conciuosness there’s no we’re in the Quran that thumbs up Jesus die in the Quran we have 2 types of deaths (sleep aka cousin of death) and the death when u leave this world(SURA 39 v 4/S.6:60)Allah said he saved him Jesus was SAVED he actually thought ALLAH FORSAKEN HIM mat 27:46. Then ALLAH made him go into ultra conciusness becuase the QURAN says it was made to seem as 4:157
Dhaq says
*of consciousness
Guizeh says
The death our families and other people have faced is also describe as sleep in the Bible. This was the same death that Jesus Christ faced as stated by the Quran in surah 3:55.
Even though Lazarus died and his body was rotten in the cave, Jesus described his death as sleep.