Many thousands of years ago, Prophet Abraham and his wife were living in the region of was is thought to be present-day Iraq. Abraham followed Allah with all his heart. And he was a prophet could promised to bless and bring a blessing to the whole earth.
One day, Allah spoke to Abraham (the Tawrot says God “spoke”, the Quran says it was a dream). Either way, we know Allah revealed his plan to Abraham. And in this revelation he instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son as a korbani.
Abraham felt great distress, but he obeyed Allah.
The next day, Abraham took his son toward the place Allah directed him to go. But when they got there Abraham’s son was confused and asked Abraham:
“Father, we have fire and we have wood. But where is the Korbon for the sacrifice?”
Abraham replied,
“Don’t worry, my son. Allah will provide a sheep.
They proceeded to built a stone altar to make the sacrifice. And when the spot was ready, Abraham took the wood, and placed them on the altar, then tied up his son and placed him on top of the wood. As Abraham took the knife in his hands, Allah called out to him:
“Abraham! Don’t tough the boy. Do not hurt him! Now I know that you will obey and follow whatever I say”.
Quickly, Abraham dropped the knife and untied his son. And then he heard the sound of a sheep which had gotten stuck in a nearby bush.
Then Abraham and his son took the sheep, killed it and offered it as a korbon on the stone altar they had built.
Abraham and his son were thankful that God had provided a sheep. And grateful that God had kept his promise to bless Abraham, prosper him and bless all the earth through his descendants.
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